and it all comes to a rushing end.
i thought my grin could not be wiped off my face to day. i must have wished like 50 people a 'happy obama day' today. i still had 'we are the champions' ringing in my ears from the previous night. the memory of the crazy glee at 37th and hawthorn. we have a fucking black president. we have a democrat administration. we have a democrat government! it amazing and beautiful and then there's the big ol' but...
i had a shit day in class tonight. my teacher actually walked out. but not before insulting me personally. and i know that he did this in the first place because he felt insulted by the class, but shit that was crashing. i haven't felt this worthless in a long time. at least i had my mother reminding me that i am good at whatever i set my mind to, and that i am capable of succeeding. but shit. i feel like an ass and just so disappointed that this day is ending this way.
but (and there it is again) i'm not going to let it. this is one of the best days of my life and i spent it smiling, canvassing for HRC, talking to some fab people and feeling proud to be an american.