Tuesday, August 07, 2007

leaving. temporarily.

it's only for 2 and a 1/2 weeks. not that long. i'll be back in japan soon enough; however, this is me leaving for real. i am giving up my visa, my gaijin card; i will return under a 90 day tourist visa, i will no longer be a resident. i don't like this. i enjoy my status as an expat, off living in the freedom of being seperate. passing by hiroshima out my shinkansen window my tears welled. i don't want to leave my current home, and my true home is temporarily frightening. japan is my home. this is of course crazy because returning to pdx and all those that i love is where my heart is pulled. it's where i belong. however giving up my foreign home is a price to pay that does not seem worth it right now.

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