Saturday, August 09, 2008

anger, sadness and hangovers.

what was it in japanese? second day drunk? which when i say that to english speakers they just think i'm saying i was still drunk the second day, not that i am what a person who got drunk is on on the second day.

yesterday was my second day, thursday was my drunk day. my boss, chef and friend got fired yesterday. even now i am so angry and hurt by it that i can feel my tears welling. now, i know he'll be fine. he'll get another job in a snap. but (this is selfish me right now) my world is changed. i don't get to see him anymore, the whole environment that i was just starting to not hate is gone. and so that you really understand the situation, we had our employee meeting on thursday. for 3 hours the owners were encouraging and nice to us (which never ever happens). patrick (our ex-chef) stood up after the meeting and said, "that was painless", 10 minutes later they fired him. no warning, some bullshit reason about management style. and he packs up his stuff and is gone.

what really happened is that a week ago patrick told the owner how we all felt about him: scared whenever he shows up, like he doesn't like us. apparently there was some yelling and now someone's fired. and now i'm quitting. i didn't put any notice in, i'm going to be slightly more reasonable than that. but my manager knows that i'm seeking other employment.

i quit my last job 'cause i couldn't sell corporate steak anymore, i'm quitting this one 'cause i can't make money for the bastards that own that place.

how does that lead to drunk you ask?

so thursday night, first thursday which means free booze for all!, i went out and got purposefully drunk. i made out with a friend of a friend, i had to be taken care of by my amazing underage pal jazz, hugged the porcelain bowl and i forgot half my night. and friday? friday i was still angry but with a horrible headache and no will to do my job.

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