Thursday, June 11, 2009


i feel like there's something crawling underneath my skin. i see ten different things in front of me, each one out of reach, and each one the wrong and right choice.

i left town. i was stressed, too busy, had too many commitments, and i left town. three weeks. gone. absent, not in contact, except to a few. nothings changed. my skin is still crawling and i still don't know where to turn. i want to run. i guess that's what i did, but i want to run again, more pertinently and further. the other side of the world, gone. disappeared. i wondering if i will always be haunted by the freedom i felt in japan?

that's what it was: freedom. from commitments, from talking to people, from making decisions. it's the cheaters way out. the cop-out. it's not something i believe in.

face your problems, demons, what have you; do not run. i am not lola.

it's probably the 3 hours of sleep last night, the jittery starbucks this morning, i'll be fine tomorrow, after i sleep.

1 comment:

Vance Longwell said...

Aww, rizu! Hey thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm bummed to see ya bummed, and wish there was something I could do. Alas...

Would you like a link on my blog? Are you into bikes, you wanna do a guest post? I don't wish to add to the list of people you have to deal with, so don't sweat it if you're just not into it.

Thanks again for stopping by.

Editor Zero Times Any Number