a disney cartoon that many of us remember from the early nineties, Duck Tales stars uncle scrooge, uncle daffy, launch-pad, webigale, mrs. ***, the butler, *** and of course louey, dewy and hewey. as you may remember uncle scrooge is a variation on the scrooge from a dickens's scrooge with tiny tim and all that. the uncle is greedy and a heartless brat at the beginning of the series. he will not give to charity and feeds the boys--who have been dropped off by uncle daffy who joined the navy to see the world--free cheese samples. this situation is quick to change after the end of the first episode as the boys prove their worth by saving scrooge's valuable model ship and as the family members that scrooge can love and can be proud of him (mind you that's the boys being proud of uncle scrooge not vice versa). this lovely disney moment leads into the next 4 episodes in which they are searching for the gold that the model boat is a map to. after much trekking and complications they find the real ship in the desert in mexico. they sail it out during a heavy rain and eventually lose it as it sinks to the bottom of the sea with the villain supposedly still on it. finally a coin from the ship leads to another pile of gold, the villain is still alive and in competition for this same gold, and again in the end the gold is lost. dinsey teaches a valuable lesson about 'gold fever' and greed and how it can take you from what is important, friends and family.
now disney also teaches us a valuable lesson about spanish conquistadors. they are evil And mexicans are panic-y and dumb. so...the spanish speaking population of the world gets a bad rap from disney. the villain is a 400 year old, what looks to be spanish conqueror, who is so obsessed with this particular pile of gold that he has been able to stay alive for that long. quite a feat. what's interesting is the populations of the voiceless masses(because of language difference or limited vocab). they are all presumably latin american. DEpressing. the villains are not the nazis of indiana jones, they are the nasty conquerers of the early americas...but the stupid clueless masses are the 'natives' that were originally conquered: the mexicans and the native 'savage' population of a lost mountain top in the andes. basically the ducks, the stars, are the white people that disney is aiming to please. the dogs (i think) are the latino populations that are either greedy and nasty or stupid and blindly following superstition. just a little light into how disney sells its products.
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