mind you that's little. today we got out early. so very exciting. yesterday we went on a culture field trip (kate went to the elementary school, sandi, natalie and i went on a home visit). so...at the home visit we went to three different very fancy expensive houses. i took too many pictures, of course, that i'm still only hoping that i can get off my phone. perhaps they will appear on flickr later this evening. anywho, it was interesting and we were fed food (including mochi) so all was well. this led to the activity this afternoon which was making posters to present on friday morning (sound like high school to anyone else?). a mistake was made (perhaps consciously) and we were told that we were done for the day once our poster was done. so 40 min later i was rushing to my room, getting out about 2 hrs early. so kate and i felt the need to take advantage of the bicycles that the complex was offering us to borrow. we grabbed the smelly helmets (which we did not wear, bad us) and headed out. not thinking we were going to go very far we ended up downtown. before this though we ran into a mystery building that turned out to be a sake distillery. the staff said, yeah take a look around. and there we went. we got a pseudo tour and kate successfully asked what this strange hanging ball thing was (a bunch of evergreenery that indicated, when it was dry, that the sake was ready-don't think its the only indicator anymore but still cool). after this we came on to the 'you me town'. we had to see what it was. turned out to be a mall of sorts with a grocery store and clothing and a basken robins. clothing was purchased (there was a comme ca ism--same place i got a t-shirt in sapporo) and then octopus balls, an pan (red bean paste in pancakes) and then of course a crepe from basken robins (the one with chocolate ice cream, banana, whip cream, chocolate sauce and corn flakes). all was so yummy. we then peddled back up to the HIP, hoping we were going the right way. kate earned a battle scare, stubbing her toe on a quick rising driveway curb, and we did make it up the big hill. i was actually able to make it all the way up without walking it, so i guess i haven't lost all my biking skills. yay me. so perfect, though. i really missed biking. my second purchase, after a rice cooker, will be a bike.
post script: i am going to be sooo fat if i don't change my diet like i say i'm going to. ice cream everyday? crepes whenever i see them? store bought food always? yeah...fat and poor.
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