so a couple things happened today that were new experiences. firstly i have never actually felt claustrophobic in a crowd. secondly i have never taken a $40 cab ride. today was another orientation. simple information about how to kill bugs and who do i live near. i met a couple new people and actually got to talk more with a couple of the second years. there was complaining about the heat and then complaint about the american-style air-con at the conference room (meaning really really cold). after all this there was a group going to miyajima island to watch the annual fireworks. remembering my experience in sapporo, i knew this would be a sight to see. after waiting for the other girls to change into yukata (summer kimonos) and getting dinner we take the streetcar to the JR train to the ferry and finally walk to some place we might be able to see something. the amount of people doesn't seem that bad, like a busy day a disneyland. one weird thing was there were small dear in the middle of everything. people were petting them and feeding them. it was so sad, they were clearly so out of place and i just can't imagine how scary that would be for them. of course maybe they're used to it, which is i think sadder. moving on, we finally found a spot. probably one of the few in which we could not see the tori (shinto gate), which is the cool part of this event. the fireworks were pretty good, but i missed all the crazy kids i went to the sapporo ones with. we left early as to beat the crowds to the ferry. our timing was great and we got to see the finale from the boat. pretty decent (pictures below).
the next step was getting back to the city. after i rejoined my group we trekked over the the JR station, like everyone else. here is where i actually felt claustrophobic. lacking water and air, i begin to feel feint, pushing through i was fine after there was a fan on the train. but damn, that was something that i didn't think i'd ever feel no matter the number of people--a little ironic that this was post-tokyo. i then decide to separate to attempt to catch a bus home. after waiting at hiroshima eki for 45 min i finally decide that, yes, the bus is not coming.
i jump on the streetcar to a landmark i know while calling people to find a place to crash. nope. no more room on the floor of the hotel, and no one else is answering phones. another reason i like to plan. so my fall back is the taxi. firstly i have to explain where i live, mind you i haven't even been able to find it on a map or successfully explain it to other JETs. after much sumimasen, wakarimasen (excuse me/i'm sorry, i don't understand) we figure it out and we're on our way. i think. watching the meter jump up 80 yen every couple minuets and still not quite sure i'm headed in the right direction, i have never had such a tense car ride in my life. finally i tell the driver that yes, kore wa migi (here, turn right), and then tell him to stop at the bottom of the hill. 3760 yen. ugh. even walking the last 1/2 mile really didn't save me anything. its only money. i'll have more in a couple weeks, but do i feel dumb. at least i get to sleep in my own futon. i really cannot wait to move to a place that is a reasonable distance from anything. hopefully the same thing won't happen tomorrow after the next activity.
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