me = bored.
so i had a goal for this year, as in 2006. it was to stop taking plastic bags, or bags in general, from stores. this was going relatively well. when i remembered i'd have another bag with me or would just not worry about it and carry whatever i bought. well...then i moved to japan. last night i bought a salad. it came with an ice pack, a plastic bag for the plastic container and ice pack, and then another bag to put the first bag in. and this was only for one item. a simple attempt at healthy eating, a salad, and i feel like i'm committing an environmental sin. then at the grocery store today i came out with 5 bags for about five items. you thought america was wasteful? think again. i feel sick.
jumping to my inability to speak japanese...i was waiting for the bus and this guy starts talking to me. he asks if i'm american. i say yes (in japanese). then asks if i'm a student (even here where everyone looks young they all think i'm in my teens or something). i say no, ego no sensei (english teacher). he is of course shocked and says more things and now i am lost. i tell him that i don't understand. he's quiet for a while then tries again. on this new topic i still have no idea what he's saying. i mean i have NO idea. man do i feel clueless. the little bit of ego i gained yesterday is smashed.
tangent: fuck yeah. iron and wine sings one of my favorite songs and i had no idea. i loooove this song but i don't know what its called. its the one from garden state. yesss. = bored. i can't wait till i have internet, and even more so, till i'm within walking distance of anything. today basically consisted of me laying on the futon, then picking up a book, then deciding cartoons and breakfast sounded good. partook in duck tales, wrote some letters, then took the bus to buy dinner and tape. got dinner, forgot tape. came back to eat my gaijin dinner (pizza with corn--the only thing i could find that didn't require heating). i had to wait for the bus for an hour, then i wasted my last new monk while eating dinner. its 7pm and i have nothing to do. maybe i'll read...
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