so i was going to resist temptation. i was going to be all self-entertaining and not need the internet. yeah. that failed. today i decided to trek into downtown hiroshima, with my laptop weighing on my shoulder, and use the free wireless that i knew existed. so here i am sitting in choco cro, typing away on my macbook after having posted a couple weeks worth of posts on blogger, myspaced and gmailed. i feel better. my list of other things that i wanted to get done today included buying my ticket for osaka, bugging my supervisor about calling the realtor and getting photos printed for my self-intro lesson plan. i don't know if those things are really going to happen as i've been sitting here playing with the miraculous internet for two hours now. but who cares?! i've been able to communicate with the western world without having to spend any money or wait a week and a half for a letter to arrive or depend on my mom and i coordinate a time for her to call with me (with still the question of wether or not i'm being charged for the minuets i'm using). with the piano playing (yup second floor choco cro on hondori has a pianist. random, yet cool) and the chatter of japanese, the only unpleasentness is the air-con thats blasting me.
oh and b-t-w, banana and chocolate is my new favorite flavor. they had chocolate croissants with fresh banana inside. like heaven; oh and the same combo makes THE best crepe.
the rest of the day:
wondered, got a real japanese dinner. it was pretty good, don't think i'd get it again. the shrimp tasted funny. i got a new dress and found a pretty cheap place for clothes-old and new. sang the homer simpson S-M-R-T song when i got back to exactly where i wanted to be without really being lost and navigated the bus system so i could get mochi and a picture frame at my near by supaa and hyaku en shop without missing my bus or really have to wait more then 5 minuets. good times.
new plan:
leave the house every moment i get and don't forget that i'm in japan. duh.
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