in tokyo. so tired. its 4:12am, according to my computer(therefore portland time), and all i want to do is sleep. but my stomach grumbles. and i'm in tokyo. i hear my mother's voice, if i get sleep tonight i'll have a better experience the next two days. i think for once i'm going to abide by that advice without complaint. maybe i quick trip to the conbini (7/11) for some onigiri (rice ball) so i don't feel sick in the morning. and yes i am incredibly calm and completely in denial to the fact that this is not a brief vacation. its so fucking sureal. thats the first thing all the JETs say to eachother. "it just hasn't clicked". and btw (that B-T-W the way our dear lucas says it) i hate katie and elena for making me cry on the plane. whores.
yeah so i did go out momentarily last night. ivy (my new friend) and i went out to 7/ll and found onigiri and only got lost for a second. i can't believe that i'm actually in tokyo. it just seems like a mini tokyo that is really a hollywood set. maybe after i go out tonight it will click.
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