Wednesday, September 27, 2006

yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.

september 4th

yesterday i had no internet (being at my second school) and i had no phone ('cause i forgot it for the SEcond time). i was a little disconnected.

so my second day, at my second school, went much better than the first. the kids actually paid attention (with a little near yelling from me to prompt them to do so), and i met with two girls who are very interested in going to college. because it's a mid-level high school most of the kids will not be attending college, so those that do want to are special. with one girl i was the 'interviewer' for her entrance into the university in saijo. the other girl is interested in studying abroad in america. (well so is the first girl, but she knows she wants to go through saijo u.). it was fun to actually correct english (for the first girl) with content in mind. i felt like i was actually doing something useful. with the second girl i gave her the web sites of the universities in oregon and my e-mail address. when i got to school this morning i had gotten an e-mail from her. aww. so cute! she wants to exchange e-mails and offered to help me with my japanese.. i e-mailed her back and gave her a link to the IELP at portland state and said yes to the e-mail exchange! i told her to e-mail me a couple times a week about what she is up to and said i'd try to do the same in 日本語. i'm totally psyched to have some place to practice my japanese now.

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