Tuesday, August 22, 2006


i looked at my countup timer today. i've only been here 16 days. i don't buy it. it feels like at least a month. well no more like two. tokyo was two weeks, hiroshima was a week, first hiroshima orientation downtown was a week and this last bit was like two. craziness that this is all in my head. this week i'm at a language intensive with a culture ad on. all the first year JETs are trapped in saijo (a suburb? or small city 30 min from hiroshima). we are staying at the hiroshima international plaza (or HIP for short) which is a good 15 min bus ride from the city. it's kinda isolating, yet communal. the girls and i (sandi, kate and natalie) are making daily trips downtown to fuji grand (a freddy's style supermarket) to get lunch and dinner cause HIP food is disgusting greasy shit. we had dinner at the jolly pasta tonight with some second years, including the ever wonderful dob, and just watched the post-graduate brat pack flick "st. elmo's fire". quite a deep film about losers who just can't find their way. last night we watched "when harry met sally". mind you these are amazing nights of drinking beer, eating chocolate and mochi, and watching these lovely 80s classics. not the most japanese experience, but right now we are all so stressed that trying to appreciate japan is a challenge (of course natalie and i both found our japanese addictions, green tea and mochi respectively). but it has been a good stay--if not for the language class that is a bit tirering. and my momentary breakdown monday passed with only one night of no sleep (the bus was sold out to osaka so i wasn't going to get to see mayumi, but she's going to help me pay for a shinkansen--bullet train--ticket, so all is well and we love mayumi). but i'm exhausted and need to sleep so i will do so now.

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